Conservative helpers from across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire have flocked to the Queen Edith's ward of the City Council to help Andy Bower, our candidate, try to win the seat from Labour – and we stand a good chance of doing that... if we can keep up the momentum.
Queen Edith's ward is a 'hybrid' seat – it's in the City for local council purposes, but makes up part of the South Cambridgeshire Parliamentary constituency.
"It's is taking up most of my spare time," says Colin Barker, the Association's Vice Chairman. "But it's good to be re-canvassing the ward and meet old friends again – and we've picked up a lot of supporters and helpers."
"Heidi Allen, our Parliamentary candidate, has been very active in the campaign, busy knocking on doors and meeting people – she's a fantastic 'doorstep' candidate.
The by-election is on November 13th, and if anyone can help between now and then, even for an hour or two, it could make a difference.
Thanks to those who have helped already – bur more help is needed: this is the best opportunity we've had for many years to win the seat. Please contact Andy Bower on 07876 031 832 and ask what you can do to help.
Andy Bower – contact and other information:
Phone 07876 031 832
E-mail [email protected]
Twitter @qeblue
Website QE Blue
Website Queen Edith's Conservatives
Polling day is 13 November.