Tim Scott won the Comberton ward in the District Council by-election for the Conservatives tonight with 378 votes – an astonishing 63 percent of the vote. The Lib Dems were second with only 96 votes, Labour third with 74 votes and UKIP, with just 48 votes, fourth.
The election was caused by the resignation of Stephen Harangozo, Liberal Democrat.
The results were:
Tim Scott – Conservative 378 (63.42%)
Fay Louise Boissieux – Liberal Democrat 96 (16.11%)
Helen Mary Haugh – Labour 74 (12.42%)
Elizabeth Jane Smith – UK Independence 48 (8.05%)
Votes cast: 596 (32.33% turnout)
Spoilt papers 2
Tim's win means the number of Conservatives at South Cambridgeshire District Council has increased from 34 to 35 – the Lib Dems have 13 members, Independents eight and Labour one, giving the Conservatives a majority of 13. On 4 May 2011, we had a majority of one.
Ben Shelton a District Councillor for The Shelfords & Stapleford and the SCCA's Vice Chairman Political, said: "It was a classic election campaign based on good strategy, good understanding of the ward, a local candidate and – most important of all – hard graft by a lot of dedicated people. Winning was never considered a foregone conclusion.
"Now our focus is on the SCDC election on 22 May 2014 when 19 seats will be 'up' – there are potential seats for us to win, but we take nothing for granted and do not expect an easy ride in seats we already hold."
Tim and his many helpers delivered three sets of leaflets to the 1,000 homes in Comberton (or as near as makes no difference) and knocked on over 800 doors to talk to residents.
"Tim was the classic local candidate," said Robert Cook, Chairman of the local Conservative Association branch. "Having lived in the village all his life, and being a Parish Councillor, he knew all the key issues and focused on them – most people in Comberton do not want lots more houses in the Green Belt and our emphasis of Tim’s stand struck a chord.
"But even so, he worked worked hard and drew a great team of supporters to help. He thoroughly deserves the fantastic win we achieved tonight.
"We now have another Conservative on the SCDC, so we can continue to do the right things for South Cambridgeshire. We fought the campaign under a clear Conservative label and that was positive."
"A huge 'thank you' to everyone who helped me during the campaign," said Tim "Be it delivery, canvassing or telling, it was a real team effort and just goes to prove with the Conservative team, nothing is impossible – but without the help and advice from Robert in particular, it would have been much more difficult."
"What a result!" said Colin Barker, a member of the SCCA Campaign Committee. "This is the first time ever Comberton has returned a Conservative Councillor at District Council level.
"Can I add my thanks to Tim, who worked very hard and was well known in the village, Robert and Penny Cook who ran the campaign from their house in Comberton, and were always on hand to provide cups of tea, etc – very much appreciated – not forgetting the marvellous delivery team Robert has built up.
"To Stephen Frost and Denise Smith at the Office for all the hard work they put in regarding canvass returns, checking leaflet content and such like.
I must also mention Peter Mann who once again designed the marvellous leaflets – they really knock the opposition literature Into a cocked hat! – and Ben Shelton for overseeing the whole operation and everyone who turned out to help canvass, knock up on the day etc. A real team effort.
"The opposition must be in despair, wondering what they have to do to win!"
Stephen Frost represents Comberton (as part of the Hardwick Division) at the County Council.
Contact Tim Scott
07968 194 919 / 01223 263 434
[email protected].
South Cambridgeshire District Council
T 03450 450 500.
F 01954 713 149.
E [email protected].
W www.scambs.gov.uk.
Election results website.
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