Snippets from recent County Council press releases to help keep you up to date on its activities.
Cambridgeshire pledge to end male violence against women and girls once and for all
This International Men’s Day (19 November), four new White Ribbon Ambassadors for Cambridgeshire take the pledge to stand against domestic abuse and violence perpetrated by men – the Ambassadors include Councillor Kevin Cuffley, who represents Sawston and Shelford.
Extra funding from government to repair potholes
The government has announced an extra £6.653m to go towards repairing potholes in the county. This is extra to the £3m the Council spends on pothole repairs alongside its programme to resurface roads. If you spot a pothole or other fault, do tell the Council via it's online tool. For extra excitement, there's also a series of videos on potholes...
Volunteers needed to hear school admissions appeals
More volunteers are needed to join Cambridgeshire’s school admissions appeals panel. Every year a number of pupils fail to secure a place at the school of their choice because that school is oversubscribed – the Council is looking for volunteers who can listen to two sides of a case and weigh up evidence objectively and impartially.
Joining Team Cambridgeshire is just six steps away
The drive to recruit more foster carers in Cambridgeshire continues with the launch of a short film showing the six simple steps to sign up. The County Council launched a campaign in September to help provide homes for the 700 local children currently in care – over 80 people enquired, with many asking for more information on the recruitment and assessment process.
Specialist estate agents bring historic County Council HQ to market
Plans to relocate Cambridgeshire County Council’s administrative offices are moving forward after national agents Strutt & Parker were appointed to help sell the site in the Castle Street, Cambridge. The Council agreed last May to move its administrative hub to Alconbury by the end of 2020.
All systems go for Cambridgeshire’s gritters
As temperatures start to plummet across the country, Brad Grit, Grittney Spears and their gritting entourage are ready to tackle the cold weather as it storms through Cambridgeshire.
St Neots no longer in suspense over bridge design decision
The preferred design for a new foot and cycle bridge over the Great Ouse in St Neots has been decided and approval has been given for the project. Once the detailed design and all the costings have been finalised, construction is expected to begin in 2020.
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