Despite the tough challenges this year and in prospect, I have very optimistic for our future. The country is having to make some tough sacrifices to deal with our deficit and get our economy back on track and avoid the same financial fate which has struck many of our European neighbours.
Although we will need to continue to make serious savings nationally, I hope that will see our economy begin to recover by the end of 2012.
I am tremendously proud of our armed services who served our country in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya this year, and my thoughts are with those who remain in Afghanistan.
In the coming year, it is also vital for us to secure competitiveness and growth for our region and our nation. Cambridgeshire boasts a wealth of world-class talent, enterprise and natural beauty which I will be working hard to support. The announcements regarding high-speed broadband rollout and new plans and funding to solve the problems with the A14 are excellent news for our region, and will see that we stay competitive into the future.
We are very lucky to have one of the world’s great universities and so many exceptional colleges, schools and training centres in Cambridge. Many of our schools this year became academies and are ranked amongst the top in the country, with more to follow in 2012.
As Secretary of State for Health, I am personally also very proud of our truly excellent hospitals and health services, and will ensure that we continue to be leaders and innovators in delivery high standards and value-for-money in this area.
Finally, I would like to thank each and every officer, staff and member of the South Cambridgeshire Conservative Party for all their dedication, hard work and support in campaigning and fundraising throughout the year which are so integral to the foundations of our party.
I wish each of you and your loved ones a peaceful, healthy and happy New Year.
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