With the Northstowe new town project finally getting to the planning stage, we thought it would be useful to put all the relevant press releases (mostly from South Cambridgeshire District Council) in one place on this website. The latest release will always be at the top. SCDC has a useful page on its website with links to the planning applications.
Hundreds of people give views on Northstowe plans – but still time to have your say SCDC press release 14 March 2012
Residents have been thanked for giving their views on refreshed plans for the new town of Northstowe at a consultation event held in Longstanton yesterday – but there is still time to have your say.
Earlier this month, a planning application for the first phase of the new town, along with a master plan showing the whole scheme, were submitted to South Cambridgeshire District Council.
Around 200 people attended an event last night, and Council bosses are urging other residents to have their say at three further consultation events during the next week. Comments can also be made by logging on to www.scambs.gov.uk/northstowe and viewing the first phase application and master plan.
Consultation events will be held on:
- Thursday 15 March at Oakington Methodist Church, Coles Lane, from 2.00 to 7.00 pm.
- Saturday 17 March at Longstanton Village Institute, 24 High Street, from 10.00 am to 4 00 pm.
- Monday 19 March at Oakington Methodist Chapel, Coles Lane, from 2.00 to 8.00 pm.
The events will give residents a chance to see plans close up and speak to planners from the District and County Councils, as well as representatives from joint promoters – Gallagher and the Homes and Communities Agency.
The proposals submitted for the first phase of the new town include plans for 1,500 new homes, a primary school, sports hub, areas of open space, a local centre, shops, employment opportunities and a site for a household recycling centre.
The public consultation on the plans closes on Monday 16 April.
Cllr Tim Wotherspoon, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member for Northstowe and new communities, said: “We are pleased so many residents have already taken the opportunity to give us their views on the plans, but with three further events coming up this is the time to make sure your voice is heard.
"The views of local people are vital in making sure what has been proposed is right for our communities. Our residents hold a vast reserve of expertise and knowledge which we are keen to tap in order to help us make Northstowe a great place to live, work, shop and go to school."
The ten elected County and District Councillors of the Northstowe Joint Development Control Committee will decide over the course of the year whether to approve, or refuse, the application after reviewing comments from the consultation and assessing the proposals against the Northstowe Area Action Plan, the rest of the development plan, and all other material planning considerations.
Consultation launched on new plans for Northstowe
SCDC press release 5 March 2012
Council bosses are urging residents to have their say on refreshed plans submitted for the proposed new town of Northstowe.
A planning application for the first phase of Northstowe was submitted on Monday (27 February), and South Cambridgeshire District Council has now published the plans and is asking residents to have their say.
Alongside the proposals for the first phase of the new town – which includes plans for 1,500 new homes, a primary school, sports hub, areas of open space, a local centre, shops, employment opportunities and a site for a household recycling centre – comments are being welcomed on a refreshed master plan for the whole of the new town.
The master plan gives details about the way the joint promoters of Northstowe – Gallagher and the Homes and Community Agency – propose to plan and deliver the new town and aims to ensure that the first 1,500 homes proposed, and the subsequent phases, are fully integrated into the overall scheme.
To make it easy for people to give their views on plans, events for residents to speak to planners from the District and County Councils, as well as representatives from joint promoters, have been announced.
At the events residents will be able to see plans close up and give their comments to the consultation.
Events will be held:
- Tuesday 13 March – Longstanton Pavilion, Over Road, from 2.00 to 8.00 pm.
- Thursday 15 March – Oakington Methodist Church, Coles Lane, from 2.00 to 7.00 pm.
- Saturday 17 March – Longstanton Village Institute, 24 High Street, from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
- Monday 19 March – Oakington Methodist Chapel, Coles Lane, from 2.00 to 8.00 pm.
Residents can also view and comment on the first phase planning application, and the separate master plan for the whole scheme, by visiting www.scambs.gov.uk/northstowe.
The public consultation on the plans closes on Monday 16 April.
Cllr Tim Wotherspoon, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member for Northstowe and new communities, said: “It is great news that the joint promoters have submitted their plans for Northstowe and now we really want to hear the views of our residents as this is a vital step in making sure what has been proposed is right for our communities.
"Local people hold a vast reserve of expertise and knowledge we are keen to tap again in order to help us make Northstowe a great place to live, work, shop and go to school."
Cambridgeshire County Councillor Ian Bates, Cabinet Member for Growth and Planning, said: "Northstowe is a vital new development needed to provide homes and jobs but we must get it right. The development will boost the economic prosperity of the whole County and with new transport links such as the Busway and the new rail station planned for the Cambridge Science Park it will attract business and make it even easier for residents to access jobs.
"There will be a need for a whole range of facilities, such as schools, and we want to hear people's views on the proposed plans to make sure Northstowe is not just a housing development but a real community."
The ten elected County and District Councillors of the Northstowe Joint Development Control Committee will decide over the course of the year whether to approve, or refuse, the application after reviewing comments from the consultation and assessing the proposals against the Northstowe Area Action Plan, the rest of the development plan, and all other material planning considerations.
Councils welcome Northstowe planning application
SCDC press release 27 February 2012
Council bosses have welcomed the submission of a planning application for the proposed new town of Northstowe – and have said the town would provide a major boost for the local economy.
An application for the first phase of Northstowe – the biggest new town proposed in the UK since Milton Keynes – was submitted by joint promoters Gallagher and the Homes and Communities Agency and includes proposals for 1,500 new homes and other related facilities.
A refreshed master plan for the whole of the new town – which could eventually see up to 10,000 new homes built – has also been submitted to show the joint promoters’ updated approach to the planning and delivery of the new town. The aim of the master plan is to ensure that the first 1,500 homes proposed, and the subsequent phases are fully integrated.
South Cambridgeshire District Council, the planning authority for the new town, will now begin to assess the application and master plan, and by working closely with the County Council will see if they both contain all the information needed for them to be accepted as valid. For applications of this size the process can take around one week to complete.
When the application is validated, it will then be published on the District Council’s website and a consultation will begin with residents. As well as being able to comment on the application on the District Council’s website, events to give residents a chance to view plans and ask questions of Council planners, councillors, and the joint promoters of the scheme – Gallagher and the Homes and Communities Agency – will be announced.
Northstowe Parish Forum – a group of 12 local parish councils near to the proposed new town – have also been thanked by District and County Councillors as the plans submitted by the joint promoters have been developed in discussion with them.
As announced in December, a new joint District and County Council team is being put in place to oversee the application as well as making sure the town has the right facilities and employment opportunities for nearby communities and future residents.
Cllr Tim Wotherspoon, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member for Northstowe and new communities, said: “We are delighted the application for the first phase of new homes and community facilities at Northstowe has now been submitted as the town is vital to responding to the acute housing need in South Cambridgeshire. It will bring with it new jobs, a major boost for our flourishing economy, and will help address the need for affordable homes.
"As the application has just been received, we will now be carrying out the work to make sure we have all the information we need, but if that is the case we will then be publishing the plans and consulting with residents to make sure they have their say. We are very clear that the proposals must be best for existing and future communities and the views of our residents are key to that. This is to be our new town and all of us locally are determined to make it work well for everyone."
Cambridgeshire County Councillor Ian Bates, Cabinet Member for Growth and Planning, said: "Northstowe is vital for Cambridgeshire in bringing forward new much needed affordable homes and helping to grow our local economy. The scheme is of national importance as growing the economy in Cambridge and the County can help kick start the national economy.
"The County Council, with its partners, will make sure this development is of a high quality and environmentally friendly as can be through this planning process and that necessary services are provided early in its development so communities can develop and thrive. The scheme links with major transport projects such as The Busway and the newly announced Cambridge Science Park Station which would give a fast and joined up service for Northstowe residents to London. It is part of our drive to make sure Cambridgeshire is the best county to do business in the UK."
The ten elected County and District Councillors of the Northstowe Joint Development Control Committee will decide over the course of the year whether to approve or refuse the application after reviewing comments from the consultation and assessing it against the Northstowe Area Action Plan, the rest of the development plan, and all other material planning considerations.
Major milestone for biggest New Town proposed since Milton Keynes
Gallagher Estates' press release 27 February 2012
Northstowe, the major new town planned for the north west of Cambridge, reaches a significant milestone today as the planning application is submitted for a first phase of 1500 new homes and related facilities.
In addition, a refreshed Northstowe-wide framework master plan has also been submitted which provides an updated approach to the planning and delivery of the new town. This framework master plan will continue to ensure that Phase One and subsequent phases are wholly integrated.
The application and master plan follow some intense public consultation last October (2011) where the Joint Promoters of Northstowe – Gallagher and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), asked the public for their views prior to working up the proposals. The greatest number of comments about the plans related to the need for the A14 to be upgraded and reducing congestion.
In the Autumn Statement* which followed, however, George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, pledged cash for ‘improvement to the A14 between Huntingdon and Cambridge’*. The commitment was to invest £20 million** immediately on the A14, plus engaging in the A14 Challenge*** which states it will look at long-term improvements to the A14 and key routes around it. This is positive news for the project.
Phase One is located at the northern end of the proposed area, adjacent to Longstanton Park & Ride on the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway. It will provide 1500 new homes and a number of local and strategic facilities for the town including a primary school, sports hub and other areas of open space, a local centre with shops and community uses and a site for a Household Recycling Centre. The land for Phase One is under the control of Gallagher.
Alan Joyner, Executive Director of Gallagher Estates says: “Northstowe will be built to high sustainability standards and will make an important contribution to the provision of market and affordable housing and economic growth in South Cambridgeshire. We are looking forward to continuing the positive dialogue we have had with the local authorities and local communities and we will all be working towards the planning application being determined before the end of the year.”
Steve Collins, Head of Area for the HCA says: “The Joint Promoters are confident that Northstowe can be delivered and have adopted a new phased approach to delivering housing as part of the comprehensive development of the wider vision for Northstowe as a new community. Gallagher submitting the Phase One application is fully supported by the HCA as it is part of the revised master plan for the whole site, the majority of which HCA owns. It’s therefore a major milestone for the project as a whole.
“We remain committed to delivering Northstowe with all the benefits it will bring to the local and wider area and together the Joint Promoters will be working together on preliminary plans for a Phase Two over the summer, whilst also making ourselves available to support our local authority partners through their statutory consultation as necessary with technical advice.”
Contact South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Phone 03450 450 500.
- Fax 01954 713 149.
- E-mail [email protected].
- Website www.scambs.gov.uk.
Your local District and County Councillors
- District Council List of all councillors.
- County Council List of all councillors.