Council Leader re-elected as new Cabinet confirmed
The Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, Cllr Ray Manning, has been re-elected to head up the council today (Thursday 24 May) at the Council’s Annual General Meeting.
Upon his confirmation as Leader for another four years, Cllr Manning confirmed two new faces would be brought into a new look Cabinet top team.
The new faces joining Cabinet are Cllr Pippa Corney who now has responsibility for planning policy and localism, and Cllr James Hockney who has been charged with responsibility for corporate and customer services. Cllr Corney had previously chaired the Council’s planning committee and Cllr Hockney had chaired the Council’s scrutiny committee for the last two years.
When announcing his new top team, Cllr Manning said that changes were being made to responsibilities to help localism by further improving links with parish councils, and due to the importance of Northstowe for existing and new communities, Cllr Wotherspoon would now focus solely on the proposed new town.
The new eight strong Cabinet take up their positions with immediate effect:
• Cllr Ray Manning (leader)
• Cllr Simon Edwards (deputy leader, finance and staffing)
• Cllr Sue Ellington (environmental services)
• Cllr Mark Howell (housing)
• Cllr Tim Wotherspoon (Northstowe)
• Cllr Pippa Corney (planning policy and localism)
• Cllr Nick Wright (planning and economic development)
• Cllr James Hockney (corporate and customer services)
Cllr Tom Bygott will continue to be a councillor for Girton, but having recently completed an MBA he stated he would like to dedicate more time on his career outside of the Council and stepped down from Cabinet.
Cllr Tony Orgee, the current chairman of the council, and Cllr David Bard, the vice-chairman, were also both re-elected for a further year.
Councillors appointed to six Council committees were also confirmed at the meeting, with the chairman for each being elected:
• Constitution Review Working Party – chairman, Cllr Tony Orgee
• Climate Change Working Group – chairman, Cllr Ted Ridgway Watt
• Corporate Governance – chairman, Cllr Francis Burkitt
• Electoral Arrangements – chairman, Cllr Alison Elcox
• Employment – chairman, Cllr David Whiteman-Downes
• Licensing – chairman, Cllr Alex Riley
• Planning – chairman, Cllr Robert Turner
• Scrutiny and Overview – chairman, Cllr Ben Shelton
Cllr Ray Manning, said: “I am honoured to be re-elected as Leader of the Council by my fellow councillors. During my time as Leader I have always stressed that the Council should listen to what our residents have to say, and use their views as the basis for the decisions we make. We have an ethos of being a listening council and this is what we will continue to do.
“I am pleased to also be able to announce my new top team of councillors who I believe have the right balance of experience, energy and fresh ideas to press forward with delivering on the priorities our residents have set for us. We want to be sure this area remains one of the best places to live and work in the country.
“South Cambridgeshire has weathered the storm during recent tough economic times, but budgets are still being squeezed more than ever before and my new Cabinet will not shy away from the difficult decisions ahead. The area is in safe hands and we have an excellent track record.”
Contact South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Phone 03450 450 500.
- Fax 01954 713 149.
- E-mail [email protected].
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Contact Cambridgeshire County Council
- Phone 0345 045 520.
- Fax 01480 376748.
- Minicom 01480 376743 (NB same number as the District Council).
- E-mail [email protected].
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