Councillor Alex Riley is the Conservative candidate for Longstanton in the SCDC election on 5th May.
Alex moved to Longstanton over twenty years ago and joined the Parish Council in 2001 when it became clear that the then Parish Council intended to do nothing to protect Longstanton’s interests over Northstowe.
"Between 2002 and 2006 I was Chair of the Parish Council, resigning at the end of 2006," he says.
"I have been your District Councillor since 2004 and am chairman of the Licensing Committee.
"If there is anything I can help you with, please contact me on any of the numbers / e-mail below."
Local action by Alex Riley on your behalf
"Northstowe – is it about to happen? Northstowe has been about to happen for the past 10 years and Longstanton has experienced considerable disruption over the past four of them.
"The planned upgrade of the A14 seems about to start. This will remove the last obstacle from work starting on Northstowe.
"However, there is as yet no sign of house building on the site.
"When proposals are put forward I will be doing what I can to protect our village’s interests.
"For the past 14 years I have led the campaign to prevent Northstowe destroying our village.
"As events happen, I will keep the village updated on progress via e-mail.
"My village e-mails go to some 600 local residents – if you would like to receive them, please contact me at [email protected].”
Taking a stand
"The picture above shows two benefits Northstowe Phase 1 will bring us," says Alex.
"I am standing on the route of the future cycleway between Northstowe and Bar Hill/A14. In the background is the site of enormous balancing ponds which are currently under construction. This will lead to extra traffic between this site and the Phase 1 site over the coming months.
"These balancing ponds will reduce considerably the flood risk faced by parts of our village – all because eight years ago I insisted Longstanton had to receive mitigation of its flood risk as part of the Northstowe development.”
Contact Alex Riley
St Michael's Mount, St Michael's, Longstanton, CB24 3BZ
01954 208 000
07775 500 737
[email protected]