South Cambridgeshire District Council is implementing new bin collection rounds from 1st September to improve efficiency, reduce costs and contribute to savings of around £400,000 a year to meet reductions in government funding and rising inflation – which may mean your bins are emptied later in the day than currently.
More efficient collection routes, which have been generated using new route mapping technology, will reduce unnecessary travel and fuel costs, as well as the number of refuse vehicles on the road, which will also have clear environmental benefits.
The project has taken months of careful planning and will see a total of 180 collection routes, performing 180,000 collections a fortnight to 60,000 properties.
Collection days will stay the same for almost all residents, with only nine out of 60,000 households seeing a change. Those affected have been contacted directly. Collection times however, may vary and it is recommended that residents put their bins out the night before, or by 6am on the day of collection.
The Council might also be collecting some bins up until 5pm, so residents are urged to leave their bins out until they have been collected.
Cllr Mick Martin, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s member for environmental services, said: “Like all local authorities, we need to make significant savings over the next few years as our government funding continues to be cut.
"These route changes contribute to the savings needed to balance the books while minimising the impact on the quality of the services we provide.
“We have used our drivers and their local knowledge to check the routes work on a practical level too, and would remind residents that these are big changes for our crews, so please be patient with any delays while they learn their new rounds.”
Bin collection calendars will continue to be sent out in the South Cambs Magazine and are available online at Residents can also follow the Council on Twitter (@SouthCambs) where tweet reminders are routinely posted.
South Cambridgeshire District Council
T 03450 450 500
F 01954 713 149
E [email protected]
T @SouthCambs
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