Councillor Kevin Cuffley is the Conservative candidate for Sawston in the SCDC election on 5th May.
Kevin lives in Dale Way, Sawston and runs Penniez, a successful business in the High Street.
He was first elected to represent Sawston in 2013 and has served as Vice-Chairman of the Council’s Scrutiny Committee.
He regularly attends the Police Liaison Panel and is actively involved in current police and community campaigns against domestic abuse and modern slavery.
“My recent appointment to the City Deal Assembly has put me in a strong position to influence the way City Deal money is spent on transport improvements over the next four years,” he says.
Local action by Local action on your behalf by Kevin Cuffley
"I succeeded in getting the County Council to reinstate the road surfacing programme in Babraham Road," says Kevin. "I have also:
- Successfully fought for the reinstatement of the full complement of PCSOs in the Sawston Division.
- Supported Community Chest Grants for purchasing climbing equipment for Sawston Youth Group and a computer for the Challis Trust.
- Pushed hard for play and recreation facilities for older children, including a soon-to-be-built multi-use games area on Lynton Way Recreation Ground.
- Ensured the County Council continues to provide all night lighting throughout Sawston.
"Right now, I am pressing for improvements to the pathways around the village – including the cycleway-footpath between Sawston and Stapleford and Sawston and Whittlesford Parkway."
Taking a stand
"I opposed Local Plan proposals for development in the green belt and the incursion into Babraham Parish," says Kevin.
"If these sites are included, it is essential they are properly planned and supported by adequate facilities, especially for education, health, recreation and transport.
"It is also critical the housing provided is affordable for the community.
"Once the outcome of the Local Plan inquiry is known, I am keen to get a neighbourhood plan in place for Sawston as soon as possible. Areas I will be looking at are regenerating the High Street by bringing redundant buildings back into use."
Contact Kevin Cuffley
9 Dale Way, Sawston, CB22 3LE
01223 832 079
07940 859 660
[email protected]