Leading change award for South Cambs
At an awards ceremony in Bedfordshire on 14th October, South Cambridgeshire District Council won the Leading Change Award for their Equalities programme.
Youth Council in South Cambridgeshire
Young people teamed up with councillors on 14th October to make sure younger residents are having a say in decisions that affect them across South Cambridgeshire.
A workshop was held with 24 young people to give councillors a chance to find out more about what is important to younger people before the launch of the Youth Council for South Cambridgeshire next year.
The Youth Council will be made up of 13 to 17 year-olds who are nominated to represent their peers to give a real voice for young people in South Cambridgeshire.
Over the next twelve months young people in the district will have the chance to be nominated to help create the Constitution the Youth Council will be governed by, plan how the group will influence decision-making as well as organise elections to create democratically elected councillors.
Study to shape Gypsy and Traveller plans
An independent study to help some Eastern Region councils plan for Gypsy and Traveller housing needs over the next two decades will be considered by a housing boss.
The report, commissioned by nine of the housing authorities in the Eastern Region, shows further Gypsy and Traveller pitches are needed across the region to meet needs now and in the future.
As expected, the study confirmed there is a need for further pitches across the region, including more permanent pitches from South Cambridgeshire to meet the need of people currently living on existing sites with temporary planning permission.
From 2016 onward new pitches are also required across the region to accommodate families growing within the existing Gypsy and Traveller community.
A further report will be presented to Councillors in November before the Council consults with communities on options for how provision should be made for Gypsies and Travellers in South Cambridgeshire.
Fly tippers fined in court
Two fly tippers were prosecuted on 6 October at Cambridge Magistrates Court after dumping waste in South Cambridgeshire.
South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) brought the prosecutions after two separate offences under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Both offenders pleaded guilty to failing in their duty of care to ensure that their waste was disposed of lawfully.
Fly tipping is a criminal offence.
To check a company's waste licence, call the Environment Agency on 0370 8506506 and ask for a waste carrier validation check, or visit www.environment-agency.gov.uk.
Contact Bar Hill Distrcit Councillors Bunty Waters and Roger Hall
Bunty Waters
Phone 01954 201421 / 07734 690580.
E-mail [email protected].
Roger Hall
Phone 01954 780304.
E-mail [email protected].
Your local District and County Councillors
Please go to these sites for the current list:
County Council – list of all councillors.
District Council – list of all councillors.