With the 2018 District Council election due on 3rd May, here's the third in our series about the Conservative candidates by the candidates.
Bunty lives in Foxhollow, Bar Hill and is standing for the Bar Hill ward. As a result of the boundary changes which take effect from next May, Bar Hill will become a single village ward represented by one District Councillor – currently there are two representing Bar Hill, Boxworth, Dry Drayton and Lolworth.
Here's why Bunty is standing.
"WANTING the BEST for BAR HILL residents.
I have lived in Bar Hill since 1972 with my husband and raised our three children here. I think my staying power says a lot for the village I care so much about.
I worked for Cambridgeshire County Council in several departments, including Policy and Education. After leaving the Council, I worked for myself for a few years before deciding to go back to work in a school to help those children who were educated in a Pupil Referral Unit.
I became a District Councillor in 2004 because I hoped to be able to help people – this seemed to me to be an ideal route to doing so.
It has proved challenging as there have been many changes caused by changes in government policy. Among the committees I've sat on are the Scrutiny Committee and the Civic Affairs Committee.
A present I'm Vice Chair of the Partnership Review, where I've been involved with children and adolescent mental health services, which is of great interest and importance to me – I have attended conferences and meetings with health professionals to encourage this subject to go forward for positive outcomes, particularly in schools and mental health services.
Enough about me, what can I do for you?
- What do you personally care about?
- What really matters to you – please let me know.
Much of the work done by local Councils is determined by central government. However, in Bar Hill we do what is best for this village – my local knowledge and commitment here is how I will work for you as a resident. I want to make sure your views are heard and what you want is taken into account.
I sit on SCDC’s Partnership Review Committee where, together with partners, we are looking at mental health. Health and wellbeing is another of my priorities.
Together with those issues, I would really like to tackle loneliness, but I need input from residents as to what you feel I should get involved with or can help you – I want to make sure we get the right services for Bar Hill residents.
I like to think I am a good listener and non-judgemental and I can find the right channels for concerns residents may have.
I hope I can find a focus for development and improvement where needed in Bar Hill – maybe a youth club building in Bar Hill for our young people to attend is where I can become involved, where I will research what and where it could be. Please let me have your thoughts on this.
Between now and the SCDC election on 3rd May, I will be out door knocking – if you're not in and would like to meet with me, please call or e-mail me and I will come again at a convenient time to you. My contact details are below.
I will try to understand your problems and attempt to get the best solution I can.
I want the best for Bar Hill residents."
Bunty Waters
Bunty Waters
Conservative candidate, Bar Hill ward
South Cambridgeshire District Council election / 3rd May 2018
77 Foxhollow
Bar Hill
CB23 8ES
07734 690580 / 01954 201421
Bunty Waters
South Cambridgeshire Conservative Association
You can write or visit us at:
South Cambridgeshire Conservative Association
Broadway House
149-151 St Neots Road
CB23 7QJ
01954 211 444
[email protected]