Volunteers bag the big tidy up
Histon and Impington volunteers have picked up over 20 bin bags of litter after adding their weight to a national ‘Big Tidy Up’ campaign.
The 20-strong team made up of local environmental volunteers, Women’s Institute members, and young people, got to work clearing up litter hotspots with grabbers, gloves and bags provided by South Cambridgeshire District Council.
Local resident, Cedric Foster, who organised the event, said: “It was fantastic to get together with people in the local community to clear up the litter that is sadly thrown from cars and dropped by people. I would thoroughly recommend other communities to do likewise. We will certainly be looking to hold events like this on a more regular basis.”
Most waste collected during community litter picks supported South Cambridgeshire District Council is recyclable and councillors are urging residents to take responsibility for their litter.
As well as helping communities organise their own litter picks, the Council spends thousands of pounds each year sending crews out to pick up litter throughout South Cambridgeshire’s villages and next to roads.
Volunteers – including parish councils, schools or community groups – who want to do more and tackle a litter problem in their area are being asked to contact the District Council who can support them by lending litter grabbers,
hi-visibility jackets and gloves for events.
Bags for the collection of litter, as well as recycling, are also provided which are collected after the event. If you are interested, please call Julian Ayres on 01954 713478, or e-mail [email protected].
Cllr Sue Ellington, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member for environmental services, said: “Littering is a national problem, and it is heartening to see people of all ages come together to help improve their village.
"I would urge everyone to take more responsibility for their own litter as there are plenty of bins provided, or simply take it home with you. Volunteers do a great job, but taxpayers are still footing a large bill each year as our teams are also out making sure our district is kept looking good."
Contact South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Phone 03450 450 500.
- Fax 01954 713 149.
- E-mail [email protected].
- Website www.scambs.gov.uk.
Contact Cambridgeshire County Council
- Phone 0345 045 520.
- Fax 01480 376748.
- Minicom 01480 376743 (NB same number as the District Council).
- E-mail [email protected].
- Website www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
Your local District and County Councillors
- District Council List of all councillors.
- County Council List of all councillors.