Twelve core objectives to keep South Cambridgeshire as one of the best places to live, work and study in the country have been backed by senior councillors following a public consultation.
Councillors at South Cambridgeshire District Council recommended the plan at a Cabinet meeting on 13 February – it will guide how resources are focussed over the next five years, even though for a third successive year 25% cuts to government grant funding has left the Council with a 'massive task' to try and protect vital services while balancing the books.
Residents' wellbeing key part of the plan
The plan includes tackling wellbeing of residents through making sure new communities built are successful and support is put in place for parish councils to keep existing villages vibrant.
This is despite a reduction in government funding meaning further savings of £300,000 will be needed in 2014/15 and another £790,000 the following year – equivalent to £20 for every band D home in the district.
More council houses
Building new council houses will remain a top priority, as is helping vulnerable people by continuing to increase the amount of high quality temporary accommodation.
Plans to absorb almost 90% of the reduction in government funding by generating income and delivering efficiencies were backed by cabinet members – equivalent to £18 per average band D home – and a proposed £2.40 annual increase (which equates to 2%) in Council Tax for band D properties was also supported to maintain high quality services.
Other cost cutting measures and innovative income-generating ideas – as reported on 5 February – are also expected to be adopted at the full meeting of the Council on 27 Fenruary.
Support for the rural economy
Further work is also pledged to cut red tape for businesses, along with a package of support to help the rural economy so local firms can grow and create more jobs.
Cllr David Whiteman-Downes, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member for corporate and customer services, said: "Significant cuts to the grant funding we receive from government means we have fewer and fewer resources at our disposal, but this is not going to stop us from setting an ambitious plan to build on what we've alread achieved for communities over the last few years.
“Being more commercially minded and innovative to drive down costs is a mus – this plan sets out our promises to residents to make sure we are focussing on the things people want and need.
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