A report published today, 3 February, recommends South Cambridgeshire District Council’s draft Local Plan – which would see a new village at Bourn Airfield, a major extension to Cambourne and a new town built north of Waterbeach – is ready to be submitted for independent examination.
It supports the creation of 22,000 new jobs and 19,000 new homes in the District up to 2031. On Thursday, 13 March, Councillors at SCDC will debate whether the plan, setting out how South Cambridgeshire should be developed over the next 20 years, is now ready to be submitted to government.
Extra houses in Graveley and The Abingtons
Two new proposals have been included in the draft plan for small housing sites in The Abingtons and Graveley – The Abingtons' plans have been approved locally and the result of the consultation in Graveley is expected before the end of February for 12 homes at Manor Farm on the corner of the High Street and Papworth Road, with a further six homes in Toseland Road.
Great and Little Abington Parish Councils requested three small sites to include market and affordable housing. The plots on Linton Road and on the corner of the High Street and Pampisford Road in Great Abington could see 47 homes built with a further six homes at Bancroft Farm, Church Lane, Little Abington.
Meeting long term housing needs
The report by Jo Mills, the Council’s director of planning policy and new communities, said comments raised during the consultation, along with the Council’s legal responsibility to prepare a plan to meet the long term needs of the District, had been taken into account to ensure it is best for the area as a whole.
At the meeting on 11 February, Cllr Pippa Corney, the Council’s cabinet member for planning policy and localism, will assess whether views given during the latest consultation have raised new issues which will need to be consulted on again or whether the Plan is ready for submission.
Keep it tight
During two earlier rounds of public consultation in 2012 and 2013, over 30,000 responses were received to help shape the draft plans put forward.
More people preferred the Council to focus on a plan to provide the necessary homes as part of new towns or villages rather than excessive development in the green belt around Cambridge or spreading lots of homes around existing villages.
The 5,000 new homes proposed in the draft plan are in addition to 14,000 homes already committed to in locations such as on the edge of Cambridge and at the new town of Northstowe.
Council officers have also suggested retaining proposals which would see 900 homes built in six of the district’s larger villages which have the best services and public transport links.
7,000 responses
If the report is supported by Cllr Corney at her portfolio holder’s meeting, it will be presented to a full meeting of Council on 13 March, which would decide whether to submit the plan.
Cllr Pippa Corney, said: “We know it is unrealistic to expect to prepare a plan that has complete consensus, but we have been listening to all views throughout this long process of consultation.
"We’ve received equal and opposing views, which we recognise are strongly felt, but the task we now have is to weigh all those factors up to decide whether the Plan is sound, deliverable and will maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in the area.
"Our economy makes the District one of the fastest growing in the country, so high quality and well-connected homes are much needed to continue our success.
“Over 7,000 comments were received during the latest round of consultation – if we decide the Plan is ready to be submitted to government, these will be considered by an independent planning inspector.”
All representations made during the consultations can be viewed online at www.scambs.gov.uk/localplan.
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